A selected list of appearance styles are passed in css format to the XSL stylesheet which parses and interprets css. There are some special considerations in the XSL to handle differences between HTML css and XSL FO style attributes. Every attempt is made to keep the XSL FO and resulting PDF output as close as possible to the css/browser representation.
The solution also takes into account
hidden items, those with "display" attribute to "none". These items are not
extracted to the print file. Clicking this
I can be toggled between display in HTML and PDF and hidden in both by clicking the paragraph above me.
Note also that some other attributes you can use within the HTML that have no effect on the appearance of the page can also be used. For instance, you can use the css attribute "page-break-before" to start a new page. The paragraph following this one has:
Diam diam accumsan. Et magna eos vel consetetur sed nibh consetetur. Facilisis eirmod ut ex diam aliquyam aliquam consetetur iusto. Veniam sea ipsum blandit ipsum magna duo dolor erat diam ut praesent dolores dolor et kasd eirmod eirmod delenit. Dolor laoreet amet lorem dolor labore vero magna est sit kasd consequat.