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This page only demonstrates various color specifiers. You can specify background-color or any other color attribute in HTML using any of the following ways:

  • CSS Color Names (like red, blue, black)
  • Hex Notation (like #ff0000, #0000ff, #000000)
  • rgb() function like rgb(255,0,0)

The following example shows various colors names and hex notations, showing you get the same result regardless.

black #000000 gray #808080 silver #808080
red #ff0000 maroon #800000 fuchsia #ff00ff
green #008000 lime #00ff00 olive #ff00ff
blue #0000ff teal #008080 aqua #00ffff
aliceblue #f0f8ff antiquewhite #faebd7 aquamarine #7fffd4
azure #f0ffff beige #f5f5dc bisque #ffe4c4
blanchedalmond #ffebcd blueviolet #8a2be2 brown #a52a2a
burlywood #deb887 cadetblue #5f9ea0 chartreuse #7fff00
rebeccapurple #663399 rosybrown #bc8f8f seagreen #2e8b57

The underlying engine also supports many other color specifiers, some you can do in HTML (like rgb()) and others you cannot specifiy directly like using rgb-icc() with CMYK or Pantone colors.

This paragraph is rgb(123,123,200). The rgb() color is represented in the HTML web page as well as the PDF output.

This paragraph is rgb-icc(255,0,0,#CMYK,0.18,0.45,0.13,0.3). You will not see this is the HTML page as it is CMYK colors, but it will be represented in the PDF output. In fact, the first set of rgb() values is ignored by even the browser and does not show red text. This uses the fostyle attribute to take advantage of things that the HTML browser cannot do.

This paragraph is rgb-icc(255,0,0,#CMYK,0.18,0.45,0.13,0.3). You will not see this is the HTML page as it is CMYK colors, but it will be represented in the PDF output. It also uses rgb(146,98,155) as a color that is a close representation to the actual CMYK color and this color will be shown in the HTML. This uses the fostyle attribute to take advantage of things that the HTML browser cannot do as fostyle will override anything in style.

This paragraph is rgb-icc(255,255,0, #SpotColor,'Pantone 355-Green C',0.30, #CMYK,.7,0,0.5,.6). You will not see this is the HTML page as it is a Pantone color. The fallback color is CMYK so it also will not work in the HTML browser. The actual Pantone color will not appear in the view of the PDF because PDF cannot recognize all Pantone colors nor represent them on screen. But it is inside the PDF. The rendering engine will insert the proper Pantone color specifier in the PDF and use the fallback CMYK color specified to render in the PDF for viewing. A printer given this PDF which supports Pantone color would use the specified Pantone color. This uses the fostyle attribute to take advantage of things that the HTML browser cannot do.